Serving the health insurance and benefit needs of Bar Associations since 1962

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Since 1936, BlueCross BlueShield has helped millions of people live healthier lives. Today, it is the most recognized health brand in the country, trusted by more Americans than any other. Whether you're considering BlueCross BlueShield plans or are already a valued member, BlueCross BlueShield is here to guide you with a level of care and service you deserve.

Platinum EX Plus
Platinum Classic
Platinum POS Plus
Gold Select
Silver PPO 8100 HDHP
Silver POS 8100 HDHP
Silver Classic
Bronze POS 8000

Existing Members: please log in and elect your benefits plan on the portal by clicking the for registered user button.

New Members: When you are ready to apply for coverage under a specific plan, please download the Census and appropriate form below (if any) and then complete and securely send, email ( or via fax at (716) 862-0348 to Mary Lu Hanna, Plan Director.

Census Form

Headquartered in Buffalo, New York, Independent Health is a not-for-profit health plan that continually aims to provide its community with innovative health-related products and services, which enable affordable access to quality health care. Its award-winning customer service, dedication to quality health care and unmatched relationships with physicians and providers has allowed Independent Health to be consistently recognized as one of the highest-ranked health insurance plans in the nation.

FlexFit Platinum
iDirect Gold Copay
iDirect Copay HSAQ
Standard Silver
iDirect Bronze HSAQ

Existing Members: please log in and elect your benefits plan on the portal by clicking the for registered user button.

New Members: When you are ready to apply for coverage under a specific plan, please download the Census and appropriate form below (if any) and then complete and securely send, email ( or via fax at (716) 862-0348 to Mary Lu Hanna, Plan Director.

Individual Broker Attestation Form
Census Form

Highmark Logo

Since 1936, BlueCross BlueShield has helped millions of people live healthier lives. Today, it is the most recognized health brand in the country, trusted by more Americans than any other. Whether you're considering BlueCross BlueShield plans or are already a valued member, BlueCross BlueShield is here to guide you with a level of care and service you deserve.

Platinum EX Plus
Platinum Classic
Platinum POS Plus
Gold Select
Silver PPO 8100
Silver POS 8100 HDHP
Silver Classic
Bronze POS 8000

Existing Members: please log in and elect your benefits plan on the portal by clicking the for registered user button.

New Groups: When you are ready to apply for coverage under a specific plan, please download the Census and appropriate form below (if any) and then complete and securely send, email ( or via fax at (716) 862-0348 to Mary Lu Hanna, Plan Director.

Census Form

Headquartered in Buffalo, New York, Independent Health is a not-for-profit health plan that continually aims to provide its community with innovative health-related products and services, which enable affordable access to quality health care. Its award-winning customer service, dedication to quality health care and unmatched relationships with physicians and providers has allowed Independent Health to be consistently recognized as one of the highest-ranked health insurance plans in the nation.

Passport Local Platinum
Passport Plan National Platinum
FlexFit Platinum
iDirect Gold Copay
iDirect Gold Copay (Option 3)
Flexfit Platinum (Option 2)
iDirect Silver Coinsurance HSAQ
iDirect Silver Copay
iDirect Bronze HSAQ
Activate Gold

Existing Members: please log in and elect your benefits plan on the portal by clicking the for registered user button.

New Groups: When you are ready to apply for coverage under a specific plan, please download the Census and appropriate form below (if any) and then complete and securely send, email ( or via fax at (716) 862-0348 to Mary Lu Hanna, Plan Director.

Census Form

Highmark Logo

Since 1936, BlueCross BlueShield has helped millions of people live healthier lives. Today, it is the most recognized health brand in the country, trusted by more Americans than any other. Whether you're considering BlueCross BlueShield plans or are already a valued member, BlueCross BlueShield is here to guide you with a level of care and service you deserve.

BlueSaver HMO
Forever Blue PPO 751
Forever Blue PPO 799 Custom
Forever Blue Medicare PPO 799 Standard/Low
Forever Blue Medicare PPO 799 OOA (Non NY Residents)
Forever Blue PPO Value
Freedom Nation PPO
Senior Blue HMO 651 Part D
Senior Blue HMO 699 Custom
Senior Blue Basic HMO
Senior Blue Select HMO

When you are ready to apply for coverage under a specific plan, please download the Census and appropriate form below (if any) and then complete and securely send, email ( or via fax at (716) 862-0348 to Mary Lu Hanna, Plan Director.

Bar Association of Erie County Application HMO 699, 799 CUSTOM,799 LOW
Forever Blue PPO Value; Senior Blue Select, Senior Blue HMO 651, Forever Blue PPO 751
Bar Association of Erie County Application WNY 799 OAA (Non-NY Residents)

Census Form

Headquartered in Buffalo, New York, Independent Health is a not-for-profit health plan that continually aims to provide its community with innovative health-related products and services, which enable affordable access to quality health care. Its award-winning customer service, dedication to quality health care and unmatched relationships with physicians and providers has allowed Independent Health to be consistently recognized as one of the highest-ranked health insurance plans in the nation.

Medicare Encompass F (HMO-POS)
Medicare Encompass 65 Direct (HMO)
Medicare Passport Access (PPO)
Medicare Passport Standard (PPO)

When you are ready to apply for coverage under a specific plan, please download the Census and appropriate form below (if any) and then complete and securely send, email ( or via fax at (716) 862-0348 to Mary Lu Hanna, Plan Director.

IHA Medicare Application

Census Form

Dental Insurance (MetLife)

Dental insurance is an important part of managing your overall health and creating a personal safety net. MetLife and its affiliate are committed to providing access to group dental plans that help you live healthier and save.

Learn More

If you are a current subscriber through the Bar Association, please enter the Member Portal to select your dental plan for 2023. First time users should use the link above to establish a username and password.

New Groups:
New group documents should be returned to Mary Lu Hanna at, or faxed to her at (716) 862-0348.

Vision Insurance (MetLife)

Regular visits to eye professionals do more than just protect your eyesight, they can help protect your overall health. That's why yearly exams are important, even if you don't wear glasses or contacts. And when you have vision coverage, you're more likely to go for an exam. MetLife Vision can help provide the savings you need to protect the eyesight and health of every member of your family. 

Learn More

If you are a current subscriber through the Bar Association, please enter the Member Portal to select your vision plan for 2023. First time users should use the link above to establish a username and password.

New Groups:
New group documents should be returned to Mary Lu Hanna at, or faxed to her at (716) 862-0348.


With LifeLock, a leader in identity theft protection, you will enjoy exclusive members-only protection services, including proprietary identity monitoring with technology that scans a trillion data points a day looking for many kinds of threats that can lead to identity theft.  LifeLock alerts you to identity threats, and if there’s a problem, a dedicated Identity Restoration Specialist will immediately get on the case and work with you to help fix it. If needed, LifeLock will even spend up to $1 million on lawyers and experts to help restore your identity—guaranteed.

Learn More

Pet Insurance (Pet Benefit Solutions)

With Pet Benefit Solutions, the only company that offers pet savings plans that complement or replace pet insurance, you will save on all your pet’s medical and wellness needs, including vet visits, prescriptions, preventives and more.

Learn More

Excellus BlueCross BlueShield is part of a family of companies that finances and delivers vital health care services to about 1.6 million people across upstate New York. Excellus BCBS provides access to high-quality, affordable health coverage, including valuable health-related resources that our members use every day, such as cost-saving prescription drug discounts and wellness tracking tools. Excellus BCBS is a nonprofit independent licensee of the BlueCross BlueShield Association.

Bronze Select HDHP
Gold Select
Platinum Select
Platinum Standard
Silver Select HDHP

Existing Members: please log in and elect your benefits plan on the portal by clicking the for registered user button.

New Members: When you are ready to apply for coverage under a specific plan, please download the Census and appropriate form below (if any) and then complete and securely send, email ( or via fax at (716) 862-0348 to Mary Lu Hanna, Plan Director.

Plan Information Coming Soon

MVP Health Care is a nationally recognized, regional not-for-profit health plan committed to having a positive impact on health and wellness of everyone it serves. MVP assures its members of quality health care and peace of mind—from a name you know and trust.

Premier Platinum 1
Premier Plus Gold 1
Premier Silver 1
Premier Plus Silver 3 HDHP
Premier Plus Bronze 3 HDHP

Existing Members: please log in and elect your benefits plan on the portal by clicking the for registered user button.

New Members: When you are ready to apply for coverage under a specific plan, please download the Census and appropriate form below (if any) and then complete and securely send, email ( or via fax at (716) 862-0348 to Mary Lu Hanna, Plan Director.


Census Form

Excellus BlueCross BlueShield is part of a family of companies that finances and delivers vital health care services to about 1.6 million people across upstate New York. Excellus BCBS provides access to high-quality, affordable health coverage, including valuable health-related resources that our members use every day, such as cost-saving prescription drug discounts and wellness tracking tools. Excellus BCBS is a nonprofit independent licensee of the BlueCross BlueShield Association.

Simply Blue Bronze 3
Simply Blue Plus Gold 5
Simply Blue Plus Silver 2
Simply Blue Plus Platinum 2
Simply Blue Plus Platinum 3

Existing Members: please log in and elect your benefits plan on the portal by clicking the for registered user button.

New Members: When you are ready to apply for coverage under a specific plan, please download the Census and appropriate form below (if any) and then complete and securely send, email ( or via fax at (716) 862-0348 to Mary Lu Hanna, Plan Director.

Census Form

MVP Health Care is a nationally recognized, regional not-for-profit health plan committed to having a positive impact on health and wellness of everyone it serves. MVP assures its members of quality health care and peace of mind—from a name you know and trust.

EPO Platinum 1
EPO Gold 1
EPO Silver 7
EPO Silver 3 HDHP
EPO Bronze 7

Existing Members: please log in and elect your benefits plan on the portal by clicking the for registered user button.

New Members: When you are ready to apply for coverage under a specific plan, please download the Census and appropriate form below (if any) and then complete and securely send, email ( or via fax at (716) 862-0348 to Mary Lu Hanna, Plan Director.

Census Form

Excellus BlueCross BlueShield is part of a family of companies that finances and delivers vital health care services to about 1.6 million people across upstate New York. Excellus BCBS provides access to high-quality, affordable health coverage, including valuable health-related resources that our members use every day, such as cost-saving prescription drug discounts and wellness tracking tools. Excellus BCBS is a nonprofit independent licensee of the BlueCross BlueShield Association.

Excellus Medicare Blue Choice Discovery (PPO)
Excellus Medicare Blue Choice Select (HMO)
Excellus Medicare Blue Choice Advanced (HMO-POS)
Excellus Medicare Blue Choice Extra (HMO)
Excellus Medicare Blue Choice Value Plus (HMO-POS)
Excellus Medicare Blue Choice Optimum (HMO-POS)

When you are ready to apply for coverage under a specific plan, please download the Census and appropriate form below (if any) and then complete and securely send, email ( or via fax at (716) 862-0348 to Mary Lu Hanna, Plan Director.

Excellus Medicare At A Glance Summary

Census Form

MVP Health Care is a nationally recognized, regional not-for-profit health plan committed to having a positive impact on health and wellness of everyone it serves. MVP assures its members of quality health care and peace of mind—from a name you know and trust.

Base USACare PPO Base 20/40
USACare PPO BuyUp 10/15
Preferred Gold HMO-POS Standard
Preferred Gold HMO-POS Buy-Up

When you are ready to apply for coverage under a specific plan, please download the Census and appropriate form below (if any) and then complete and securely send, email ( or via fax at (716) 862-0348 to Mary Lu Hanna, Plan Director.

Medicare Employer Group Enrollment Form

Census Form

Dental Insurance (MetLife)

Dental insurance is an important part of managing your overall health and creating a personal safety net. MetLife and its affiliate are committed to providing access to group dental plans that help you live healthier and save.

Learn More

If you are a current subscriber through the Bar Association, please enter the Member Portal to select your dental plan for 2023. First time users should use the link above to establish a username and password.

New Groups:
New group documents should be returned to Mary Lu Hanna at, or faxed to her at (716) 862-0348.

Vision Insurance (MetLife)

Regular visits to eye professionals do more than just protect your eyesight, they can help protect your overall health. That's why yearly exams are important, even if you don't wear glasses or contacts. And when you have vision coverage, you're more likely to go for an exam. MetLife Vision can help provide the savings you need to protect the eyesight and health of every member of your family.

Learn More

If you are a current subscriber through the Bar Association, please enter the Member Portal to select your vision plan for 2023. First time users should use the link above to establish a username and password.

New Groups:
New group documents should be returned to Mary Lu Hanna at, or faxed to her at (716) 862-0348.


With LifeLock, a leader in identity theft protection, you will enjoy exclusive members-only protection services, including proprietary identity monitoring with technology that scans a trillion data points a day looking for many kinds of threats that can lead to identity theft.  LifeLock alerts you to identity threats, and if there’s a problem, a dedicated Identity Restoration Specialist will immediately get on the case and work with you to help fix it. If needed, LifeLock will even spend up to $1 million on lawyers and experts to help restore your identity—guaranteed.

Learn More

Pet Insurance (Pet Benefit Solutions)

With Pet Benefit Solutions, the only company that offers pet savings plans that complement or replace pet insurance, you will save on all your pet’s medical and wellness needs, including vet visits, prescriptions, preventives and more. 

Learn More

300 Corporate Parkway, Suite 200N
Amherst, New York 14226

Phone: (716) 831-8180
Toll Free: (800) 852-5570
Fax: (716) 862-0348